Ella Mai
About Ella Mai
Ella loves having sex in the shower! “Oh yeah, definitely!” she enthuses. “The first time I ever did it was on holiday in Greece a few years back. The apartment had an amazing bathroom, and as soon as we saw it my boyfriend of the time and me looked at each other and – almost without saying anything – knew that we’d be ‘christening’ before too long!” We know what you mean – so what happened next? “Well first we went down to the pool to unwind after the journey and have a few drinks, but I was so horny we’d only had a couple before we were scampering back up to the room. As soon as we were in I peeled off, jumped in the shower, and started poking my bum at him provocatively. It wasn’t long before he joined me!” Well we should think not – we’d be in there in a shot!
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