Volume 48 Issue 12
Inside this issue...

Those of you who actually read this blurb before fl icking over to all the gorgeous girls, will no doubt be aware that Vol.48 No.12 will be the last issue of 2019. Then, dear friends, we launch into another decade of hot chicks with fantastic boobs, bums and snatches. Mind you, a little break over the Christmas season, will do the Club team a world of good, and aid recovery (a tanker of mulled wine chugged up to the offi ce last week!). Well, you want to try staring at pictures of fresh young lovelies with their bits out day in, day out month upon month – it can do funny things to you. So here to let the last issue of the year out with a bang, is Club Girl of the Year Lucy Zara, and hot on her heels are Honour May, Ashley Downs, Lana Harding, Lily Ford, Dolores and Valentina Nappi. If this lot doesn't cause fi reworks for you, then there's no hope. See you next year folks - The Ed

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